Detailed audit reports for Nest mechanics and underlying infrastructure
All Nest vaults are audited by a leading institutional risk manager, Cicada Partners. See the audit methodology and scores for the flagship nRWA vault in this data room. This data includes information about underlying collateral assets, disclosures about how the assets are tokenized, by whom, and provides agency ratings for each publicly available asset.
All Nest smart contracts are audited by leading crypto security firms:
2025/02/15: Nest nRWA vault audit (Ottersec)
2024/10/08: Nest pre-deposit vault audit (Slowmist)
2024/10/23: Nest pre-deposit vault audit for multiple stablecoins (Slowmist)
2024/12/03: Nest smart contracts audit (Slowmist)
All Nest cross-chain vaults like nELIXIR, nYIELD, nTBILL use hardened BoringVault smart contracts through Nucleus, Nest's official infrastructure partner.
Nucleus cross-chain multi asset boring vault audits (Spearbit, Macro, Pashov)
Last updated